energy management
Energy Management
We aim to increase operational efficiencies to produce more while consuming lesser energy per unit
Management Approach
We encourage our teams at all levels across our value chain to research and propose new or alternative methods to efficiently consume energy while decreasing our impact to the environment. Confirmed by our ISO 14001: Environmental Management System certification, we can effectively manage our business activities while improving environmental conditions.
In addition to having a system management approach towards environmental concern, for the past 3 years, we have integrated our “Innovation” programs to expand the scope to encompass not only business activities but also projects that aim to decrease our environmental impact.
Policy: Environmental Policy
Stakeholders :
Road Users, Communities, Business Partners and Employees
Short-term goals :
3% reduction in overall energy consumption compared to production output (2020 baseline)
Long-term goals :
6% reduction in production energy consumption (2020 baseline)
2022 Key Performances :
- In 2022, our Asphalt business in Thailand consumed 162,818 gigajoules of energy, which represents a 22.7% reduction from our 2020 baseline of 0.31 gigajoule per ton produced.