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Foster Innovation Culture

We build talents through innovation

ISO 26000 and ISO 9001

Management Approach

   We are committed to fostering a culture of innovation through our long-term “innovation Roadmap 2025” plan. This strategy emphasizes engaging and coaching employees, motivating them to develop and implement innovative ideas. Key initiatives include the “Innovative Solution Award”, an employee-driven innovation contest, and the “Innovation Bootcamp,” a training program designed to enhance essential innovation skills. Successful projects can be further developed to benefit both our business and society. 

   In 2022, we expanded these programs to incorporate cross-functionality and multi-disciplined teams. With positive results, by 2023 we look forward to creating innovative capabilities that can be extended to our partners and external stakeholders to “co-develop” projects together.

Policy: Innovation Policy

Stakeholder :

Employees, Customers, and Communities

Sort term goals :

  1. At least 50% of employee participation in the Innovation Bootcamp program
  2. Graduate more than 50% of the Innovation Bootcamp participants to Innovation Solution Award program
  3. More than 10 projects on “green innovation” (at least 5 projects that started in 2020)

Long term goals :

  1. Integration of “innovation” into corporate culture
  2. More than 25% increase in profits derived from innovation projects and activities (2018 baseline)

2023 Key Performances :

  • There are two employee innovation project engagement in 2023, which are Innovation Solutions awards and Innovation accelerator project.
  • From 2019 to 2023, 209 employees participated in our “innovation Bootcamp”(across2 sessions), which provides training in systematic innovation framework mindset development. Additionally, the “Innovative Solutions Awards”(held 3 times) attracted 805 participants. More than 50% of those who entered the Bootcamp were participated in the Innovation contest.
  • However, comparing employees from all asphalt business units, including those in Thailand and internationally, The total number of employees in 2023 is 1,303. of these, 16% have participated in the “Innovation Bootcamp” a training program focused on developing a systematic innovation framework mindset.

Innovation Culture Survey

Every two years, we survey employees to gauge their engagement with our organization innovation culture and relationship among employees. By alternating the focus of this survey each time, we ensure a thorough assessment of employee engagement and innovation, while also allowing sufficient time to act on the feedback we receive. 

2023 The outcome of innovation resulted in improvements


Time saving



Sales of new products



Cost saving


Innovation Day 2023

The Innovation Day event aims to foster and drive a culture of innovation within Tipco Asphalt Co., Ltd., supporting our ambition to be an Innovative Solution Partner. It also seek to communicate the organization core value to employees-open-mind, teamwork,  Integrity, Prudence, and commitment- to employees, encouraging the innovation culture in organization. The event took place at both Tipco headquarters and all five asphalt factories across Thailand