Tipco Asphalt Group, Rayong Plant, Receives the Prestigious Good Governance Standards Award 2024

Tipco Asphalt Group, Rayong Plant, Receives the Prestigious Good Governance Standards Award 2024

Tipco Asphalt Group, Rayong plant, received the Good Governance Standards 2024 award, certified by the Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce. Rayong plant is one of 250 companies that passed the evaluation out of over 900,000 entities in the department’s database. On September 2, 2024, the group received a prestigious business award from the Director-General of the Department of Business Development. This award reflects the participation of both employees and management in conducting business under 6 core governance principles, aligned with the government’s ESG concept for sustainability. It also enhances stakeholders’ confidence and elevates the company’s reputation.

Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited, Phrapradaeng Plant, welcomed a group of students from the Department of Civil Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, for a study visit on asphalt emulsion product testing.

Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited, Phrapradaeng Plant, welcomed a group of students from the Department of Civil Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, for a study visit on asphalt emulsion product testing.

On September 11, 2024, the Research and Development Department of Tipco Asphalt, Phrapradaeng Plant, led by Mr. Christophe Duboscq, Senior Manager – Research and Development, and Mr. Sompun Leelapunyaporn, Senior Manager – Technical Intelligence, warmly welcomed Associate Professor Dr. Preeda Chaturabong and third-year students from the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. The visit was organized to provide insights into the technology and methods for testing asphalt emulsion and various grades of asphalt cement products. Additionally, the students discussed their ongoing research projects and received advice on advancing their studies in Highway Engineering.

The students showed great interest, as they expanded their classroom knowledge. Topics included studying the process of testing the performance of asphalt concrete using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) from roads, producing Cold Mix Asphalt Concrete using asphalt emulsion products, and learning about the technology for producing Warm Mix Asphalt Concrete. This experience is expected to enhance their research projects and further their learning. This effort aims to elevate the learning process and develop skilled personnel in higher education, with the goal of sustainably advancing the construction industry in Thailand.

ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety Management Systems (RTSMS) Training

ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety Management Systems (RTSMS) Training

On September 5-6, 2024, the System Development department organized a training on Road Traffic Safety Management Systems based on the ISO 39001 standard, in collaboration with the British Standards Institution (BSI). The training aimed to enhance effective operations within the organization for managing road safety risks, impact assessment, and improving capabilities to achieve the company’s objectives and goals. Two courses were conducted: Introduction and Requirements, and Internal Auditor. This helped participants understand the importance of the ISO 39001 standard and its role in reducing and eliminating road accidents for continuous improvement. The training was attended by 35 participants, including staff from the head office, factories of the Tipco Asphalt Group, and the construction business group.

Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited organized lecture on asphalt emulsion and the asphalt concrete production process for third-year students from the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University.

Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited organized lecture on asphalt emulsion and the asphalt concrete production process for third-year students from the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University.

On September 2 and 4, 2024, representatives from Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited, Mr. Sompun Leelapunyaporn, Senior Manager-Technical Intelligence, and Mr. Krisorn Wongsavad, Senior Officer-Technical Service, served as lecturers for third-year civil engineering students in “Civil Engineering Materials” course for the first semester of 2024. Additionally, Associate Professor. Dr. Boonchai Sangpetngam, Deputy Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, Laboratory and Material Testing Division also participated in the experience sharing session. The lecture covered the hot-mix asphalt (HMA) production process and machines, as well as the transportation for the HMA to be used in road pavement. The lecture also covered environmentally friendly and sustainable asphalt emulsion for cold-mix asphalt for road maintenance and repairs.

This lecture not only provided an opportunity for students to ask questions and exchange knowledge about asphalt products, and share engineering work experiences, but also sparked interest among students in seeking internships and site visits in the upcoming academic term. This practical training is part of a memorandum of understanding between the Department of Civil Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, and Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited, aimed at supporting special lectures from the company’s experts as partners to exchange knowledge and enhance education on asphalt and sustainable road construction.

Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited supported and participated in the 30th-anniversary celebration of the Faculty of Engineering at Naresuan University, Phitsanulok.

เมื่อวันที่ 20 สิงหาคม 2567 บริษัท ทิปโก้แอสฟัลท์ จำกัด (มหาชน) ได้เข้าร่วมงานฉลองครบรอบ 30 ปี ของการก่อตั้งคณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร จังหวัดพิษณุโลก โดยนอกจากการสนับสนุนงบประมาณในการจัดงานแล้ว ยังได้จัดแสดงผลิตภัณฑ์แอสฟัลต์ซีเมนต์และแอสฟัลต์อิมัลชัน

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Welcoming Laos’ customers to visit Tipco Asphalt 

Welcoming Laos’ customers to visit Tipco Asphalt 

Tipco Asphalt Laos Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Tipco Asphalt Group, invited 16 customers and business partners from Laos to visit the company’s headquarters and participate in a study on quality control, research, and the development of asphalt product innovations. The event took place at the Research and Development Department at the Phra Pradaeng plant in Samut Prakan Province from August 15-17, 2024.

During the visit, Phra Pradaeng plant introduced its Centralized Logistic Management, which enables the company to effectively monitor and control the truck fleet nationwide. This system also supports efficient inventory management, provides real-time transport information to all stakeholders, and regulates vehicle speed to ensure road safety.

Additionally, the customers observed a demonstration of asphalt emulsion products for Prime Coat applications, focusing on a comparison between the properties and performance of Emulsified Asphalt Prime (EAP) and Cutback Asphalt (MC-70). The EAP was highlighted for its superior fuel and energy saving, as it can be used without the need for pre-heating. This innovative product is designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the company is committed to promoting its use in road construction and maintenance in Laos to help protect the environment and foster a sustainable future.

This event is part of the company’s Customer Centric policy, which prioritizes customer needs, expectations, and experiences. The goal is to enhance knowledge, share new technologies and innovations, and foster long-term relationships with customers while improving safety across all sectors.

Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited Welcomes Civil Engineering Students from De La Salle University, Philippines

Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited Welcomes Civil Engineering Students from De La Salle University, Philippines

On August 27, 2024, Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited, Phra Pradaeng plant, led by Mr. Suthat Tommayot, Plant Manager; Mr. Christophe Duboscq, Senior Manager-Research and Development; and Mr. Sompun Leelapanyaporn, Senior Manager-Technical Intelligence, welcomed fourth-year Civil Engineering students from the Faculty of Engineering at De La Salle University, a leading university in the Philippines, along with faculty members from the Department of Civil Engineer at Chulalongkorn University, led by Asst. Prof. Dr. Chayut Ngamkhanong.

 This plant visit was part of a collaborative knowledge exchange between the two universities, aimed at sharing experiences and educational practices. As part of this initiative, the students traveled to Thailand to gain insights from Tipco Asphalt, a leader in the asphalt industry in Thailand.

 During the visit, the students were briefed on Tipco Asphalt’s operations, including advanced asphalt logistics management, the operation of a 36,000-ton asphalt storage facility, and the quality control processes. They also gained valuable knowledge about sustainable asphalt concrete technologies.

The students and faculty members from the Philippines and Chulalongkorn University showed particular interest in the knowledge exchange at the Research and Development Center, where they learned about the properties of asphalt concrete roads, including sustainability benefits over conventional cement concrete roads. Additionally, they explored recycling technology and warm-mix asphalt techniques, which contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. The visitors were inspired to bring this knowledge back to the Philippines to promote environmentally friendly road construction and are looking forward to continuing collaboration and innovation in the future.

Tipco Asphalt Group Secures 3 Awards at Thailand Kaizen Award 2024

Tipco Asphalt Group Secures 3 Awards at Thailand Kaizen Award 2024

On August 9, 2024, Tipco Asphalt Group, Nakhon Ratchasima, Surat Thani, and Phitsanulok plants received awards at the Thailand Kaizen Awards 2024. The event, organized by Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan), took place at BITEC Bangna from August 6-9, 2024. The competition featured 7 categories of Kaizen projects, with 141 companies submitting 417 project entries. Of these, 114 projects made it to the final round for presentation at BITEC.

 This year, Tipco Asphalt Group submitted 8 projects in the Kaizen Suggestion Systems (KSS) category, all focused on process improvement with minimal equipment costs or budget. Out of 32 projects in the KSS final round, 3 were from our group, and all 3 won awards: “Spring-Powered Drum Handling Cart” project by Khun Sompong Pengsoongnern, Senior Warehouse Officer, from Nakhon Ratchasima plant received the Golden Award, “Emergency Kit for Trucks” project by Khun Phumin Thanyadi, Senior Technician – Vehicle Maintenance, from Surat Thani plant received the Silver Award, and “Easy Fit: No More Screwing Around” project by Khun Yodrak  Thonchangya, Forklift Driver Warehouse, from Phitsanulok plant received the Bronze Award.  These 3 awards reaffirm the group’s commitment to encouraging and supporting employees in innovating and improving work processes for greater efficiency and effectiveness. This dedication will elevate the organization’s performance in the future.

The project from Nakhon Ratchasima plant, titled “Spring-Powered Drum Handling Cart,” was developed by Khun Sompong Pengsoongnern, Senior Warehouse Officer at Nakhon Ratchasima plant. This initiative stemmed from the need to improve a work process that previously relied on waiting for forklift availability, causing delays in operations and customer deliveries. The project aimed to reduce the risk of accidents associated with the previous process, which involved forklifts lifting drums during the loading process. The new solution not only ensures timely deliveries to customers, maximizing the efficiency of machinery, but also allows employees to minimize downtime, freeing them up to focus on other creative improvements within the organization.

The project from Surat Thani plant, titled “Emergency Kit for Trucks,” was invented and developed by Khun Phumin Thanyadit, Senior Technician – Vehicle Maintenance, at Surat Thani plant. This initiative was driven by a safety goal to reduce accidents involving transport vehicles and to empower drivers to handle emergencies effectively when their trucks break down on the job. The project benefits the business by ensuring timely and complete deliveries to customers, reducing emergency repair costs, and enhancing safety for the community by providing greater confidence to other road users.

The project from Phitsanulok plant, titled “Easy Fit: No More Screwing Around” (Improved Easy-Fit Pump Guard), was invented and developed by Khun Yodrak Thonchangya, Forklift Driver Warehouse at Phitsanulok plant. As in the deep cleaning process of the asphalt pump, workers previously had to unscrew and remove the pump’s protective guard to clean and inspect it for potential issues that could cause sudden breakdowns. This process was time-consuming and involved unnecessary steps. As a result, Khun Yodrak invented an easy-fit pump guard that can be quickly and securely attached without the need for screws. This innovation reduced work time and minimized unnecessary movement and fatigue. Previously, workers had to walk back and forth to the maintenance room to borrow tools, but with the new design, tools are no longer needed, streamlining the entire process.

Phra Pradaeng Plant installed bumper guards at the plant of Thongchai Charoen Construction Co., Ltd., Muang District, Nakhon Pathom Province.

Phra Pradaeng Plant installed bumper guards at the plant of Thongchai Charoen Construction Co., Ltd., Muang District, Nakhon Pathom Province.

On July 31, 2024, the Phra Pradaeng Plant installed bumper guards at the plant of Thongchai Charoen Construction Co., Ltd., Muang District, Nakhon Pathom Province. The area was narrow and lacked warning signals for hazards, which had led to accidents. The company enhanced safety at the customer’s plant by installing bumper guards to prevent and reduce accidents. This initiative also aimed to build strong relationships and listen to customer feedback, ensuring that the needs and expectations of stakeholders are met effectively. Additionally, it promoted the “Share More, Gain More” activity, which involved sharing information about hazardous and risky areas in the customer’s plant and along transportation routes to monitor potential risks. As a result of these efforts, the customer satisfaction level reached 98%.

Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited organized a lecture on asphalt products

Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited organized a lecture on asphalt products

On July 31, 2024, Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited organized a lecture on asphalt products and environmentally friendly asphalt concrete road construction technology for students of the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, and Department of Chemical Engineering. The lecture was opened by Asst. Prof. Dr. Kumpon Subsomboon, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and was attended by 91 students and faculty members.

In addition to learning about the academic aspects and innovative new asphalt construction materials, the afternoon session included a practical activity where students improved the entrance and sidewalks using TIPCO Premix asphalt, compliant with TIS 2916-2561 standards. This enhancement will facilitate future access and logistics for the building.

This event was conducted following the policy framework under MoU Clause 2.2, focusing on promoting and developing graduate production by supporting teaching, learning, and training in the use of materials between agencies. The aim is to develop expertise among personnel and produce graduates who are knowledgeable and capable of efficiently utilizing asphalt materials, thereby enhancing the nation’s sustainable development capabilities in the future.