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Water Management

We aim to use and reuse water responsibly in our production lines as much as possible

GRI 303-3, ISO 26000 and ISO 14001

Management Approach

Water is one of the key components in our production of asphalt emulsion. To ensure adequate water supply, all manufacturing facilities contain a surface water reservoir to decrease dependency on public water supply. Water drainage systems in the plants are designed so that water and any runoff waste is captured by the system so that we may reduce, reuse, and recycle for our internal use. This prevents public water contamination and shortage of water supply during droughts. 

In 2023, Our company realigned its water data collection processes in accordance to GRI 303(2018) standard for our asphalt business in Thailand and our headquarters. We are pleased to announce the public disclosure of our water management data from our asphalt operation and our headquarter in Thailand. This data, covering January to December 2023, has been thoroughly validated and verified by the management system Certification Institute(MASCI) 

Policy : Environmental Policy

Stakeholders :

Customers, Communities, Suppliers, and State Agencies

Short term goals :

  1. Zero complaints on public water

Long-term goals :

  1. Zero complaints related to water contamination from the community

2023 Key Performance Indicators:

  • 28% reduction of water withdrawal (2021 baseline) for asphalt business and Headquarters Thailand.
  • 2.85 Megaliters of wastewater recycled from production process
  • No public water related complaints

Water Consumption (Megaliters)

Remark : Water consumption for Asphalt Business and Head Office in Thailand

Proportion of the water withdrawal from sources (Unit: Megaliters)

Years Surface water Undeground water Tap water
<= 1,000 mg/l
>= 1,000 mg/l
<=1,000 mg/l
>= 1,000 mg/l
<=1,000 mg/l
>= 1,000 mg/l
2020 NA NA 12.8 11.8 24.1 0
2021 NA NA 12.8 11.2 23.5 0
2022 NA NA 11.85 8.27 17.24 0
2023 NA NA 12.16 7.73 15.19 0

*TDS : Total Dissolved Solids

Water conservation project by reduction the use of underground water

In response to the increasing impact of climate change in Thailand, which has led to severe storms and rising water volumes causing flood in certain areas, our plant drainage system has faced significant challenges. The existing drainage infrastructure is currently inadequate to handle to heightened rainfall rates, as it is smaller than required to accommodate the increased volume.

As a result, our company has initiated a comprehensive water management project. This project aims to optimize our water volume management system by readjusting the drainage infrastructure to clearly separate different types of water, maximizing their utility across various activities. Wastewater from production and all supporting water from production will be directed to a centralized collection point before undergoing treatment to meet water quality standards. Once treated, the water will be stored and subsequently used in the production of asphalt emulsion.

Our asphalt production plant in Thailand has upgraded its drainage systems and installed reverse water pumps to extract and reuse water from rain gutters, ensuring a longer reserve period and, increase water proportion to support asphalt production. Additionally, we have enhanced our water storage facilities by applying HDPE liners to reduce water loss into the ground. This effective water management system allows our factory to maximize water efficiency. mitigate environmental impact, and support continuous and sustainable operation.