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Employee Health and Safety

Workplace safety is in our DNA

GRI 403-9, GRI 403-10
ISO 26000 and ISO 45001

Management Approach

Our ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety certification is evident that we are able to manage and mitigate potential activities that pose health and safety concerns. This provides and promotes awareness for our people so that they can actively identify, prevent, and respond to occupational accidents, injuries, and/or disease outbreaks in the workplace. Our objective is to have “Zero Work-Related Accidents”. By instilling this management approach and sense of awareness, we can engage our communities and stakeholders to promote a culture of safety.

Policy: Integrated management system Policy

Stakeholders :

Employee, Outsourced service provider, Contractor, and Communities

Short term goals :

  1. Zero fatalities
  2. Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) no more than 0.74 incidences per 1 million hours worked
  3. Zero work-related illness

Long-term goals :

  1. Zero fatalities
  2. Zero Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) from work-related accidents
  3. Zero work-related illness

2022 Key Performances in Asphalt bussiness :

  1. Zero fatality form our employees or contractors
  2. Zero lost time injury frequency rate per 1 million workhours (LTIFR) form our employees
  3. Zero lost time injuries form our employees
  4. Promote the employees to identify risks from unsafe Actions (UA), unsafe conditions (UC), and near-misses. This will help minimize the likelihood of accidents caused by similar factors.
  5. Promote the employees to analyze the root causes of accidents, incidents, or near-misses. This will enable them to formulate effective control measures.

Work-Related Accidents

Remark : This table focuses on accidents and occupational illnesses of the asphalt business in Thailand.

Number of fatalities
for Asphalt business in Thailand


for the 3rd consecutive year